In other attributes we enjoy, like humor and creativity, God shows through. This is what I think about most when I recognize what some would say is a coincidence. God taps on my shoulder and says, "Hey, it's Me! Got yer back! Don't forget!" God, acting through daily events and in our imagination, as we recognize interrelated occurences in our lives, which are designed to bring us closer to Him and each other...these are miracles. And what do you know, but this exact same lesson sings through the theme of the below referred book, "The Shack." Is it a perfect display of doctrinal Truth? Probably not. And I doubt the author would suggest that. However there's plenty of goodness going on in that novel, such as this quotation with which I'll conclude, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning:
Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God,
But only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.
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